When an agreement of such sorts is struck between companies and influential people, they are usually not allowed to use the company’s competitors’ products when they are making a public appearance. According to a report in The Mirror, Sobchak used an Apple iPhone X during a television interview. She was also seen trying to conceal her iPhone X with a sheet of paper. But she did it while the camera was on. It has been reported that this is not the first time that Sobchak has been spotted using the iPhone X. It is said that she was seen using the smartphone social events in Moscow and a few other TV appearances. And this goes against the rules of the contract. Since she has been spotted with the smartphone a number of times, Samsung has reportedly sued Sobchak for 108 million rubles. Converted to US dollar, the amount is around $1.6 million, and in local currency, it is Rs 12,07,58,357. Although the amount that Samsung initially paid to Sobchak has not been disclosed, it is being said that the amount that is being recovered from her is more in value. However, a report in BBC states that Samsung has not sued Sobchak. According to a source who spoke to BBC, Sobchak uses an iPhone sometimes, but always tries not to show Samsung’s rival brand in front of the camera by using a folder or a cover on her smartphone. A representative from Samsung has reportedly said “All speculations on the lawsuits and fines are frivolous and nothing more than rumors. We do not comment on rumors.” In a conversation with RBC, Sobchak’s representative neither confirmed nor denied if Samsung wants to recover a certain amount of money from the Russian TV anchor and politician for using iPhone X while she was on camera.

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This woman may have to pay over  1 6 million for using iPhone X - 67This woman may have to pay over  1 6 million for using iPhone X - 36