The new Telegram 5.5 update gives the users the choice where the messages sent or received by the them can be unsent. It gives the user the ability to remove the messages from the chat itself. This option was available on the app earlier too, but it was limited to deleting the message from the sender’s end while the recipient was able to see the message. But now, the sender is able to unsend the message which would unsend/delete the message for the recipient as well. Earlier, there was also a time limit of 48 hours to revoke the message, but now the limit has been removed and it can be revoked at any time. There is another feature which has been updated. In the new version of Telegram, the ‘Clear History’ feature would now let users delete the entire chat history from both the ends of the conversation (sender and recipient). With the new update, there is an addition of anonymous forwarding, which lets the user decide and restrict who can access his/her profile from the forwarded messages. To change the account viewing settings, users can go to ‘Privacy and Security’ in the Settings menu. From there they can tap on the ‘Forwarded Messages’, then the user can choose who can add a link to his profile in the forwarded messages.

Furthermore, Telegram 5.5 gives the user the choice over who can see his/her profile picture. He can either choose it to be visible for everybody or just his contacts. This feature lets the user block unwanted users who can view his profile picture, thus solidifying his privacy.

— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 24, 2019 Other useful features that come with the Telegram 5.5 update are, ‘search’ option which allows the user to search for the setting he wants to go to instead of trying to find it in sub-menus. The update allows the user new ways of finding the right emoji, sticker and GIF for the right moment just by typing. The user can also add the emoji to his emoji reference database. Users can now also stream the videos they receive in their chats so they won’t have to wait for the video to download. The Sticker section of the Telegram messaging app has also been updated along with the support of accessibility features such as TalkBack on Android. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

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