“When PUBG MOBILE rolled out with Season 13, it was not long before it became the talk of the town. While some of the sizable and anticipated updates drew maximum attention, one of the most important and game-changing aspects of PUBGM Season 13 was the new Kills vs Death ratio that surfaced with Season 13. The primary driver for this change was to introduce a stable balance to the game and take away inherent advantages from certain players.’ the company said. The new update brings the  K/D or kills to death ratio with the arrival of Season 13. This is the new way to calculate the K/D ratio that brings a proper balance to the game while taking away certain advantages from the players.  Old K/D formula: In the older version, the Kill Death ratio in PUBG Mobile was calculated based on the number of kills a player had to the number of deaths. Which led to many players boosting their Kill-Death ratio just by surviving till the end, with minimum kills. Therefore, Kill-Death ratio = Total Kills / Total Deaths. New K/D formula: With the arrival of Season 13, the things have changed as a new K/D system has been implemented. Now, the new PUBG update brings a  new feature where the Kill-Death ratio is calculated based on the number of kills in each game, irrespective of whether the player survived till the end or not. For example, if the player’s  K/D ratio is 8 and they win a match with 5 kills. The K/D ratio will eventually decrease your  K/D ratio and when you get less kills compared to the existing K/D.  To maintain a ratio of 8, you need to have 8 kills or above. So now, the formula is this: K/D Ratio = (Total Kills) / (Total Matches Played) Below are the 5 easiest tips explained by the company to increase your PUBG Mobile Kill-Death Ratio:

 Change your landing strategy: With the implementation of the new K/D ratio, it is advisable to go for popular hot-drop locations like Pochinki. These locations have an increased number of teams expected to land, in turn, increases the probability of kills you can secure. Rack up your kill count early on in the game and fill your inventory up with great loot that will help you later in the game Go for the attack instead of hiding out: This is an important tactic for players that used to hide out to land that chicken dinner instead of going for the kill. Players should plan attacks and pick fights more often in order to ensure a good K/D ratio and better gameplay experience, leading to a substantial increase in skills acquired.   Maximum gun power: Instead of focusing your energy on securing the best snipers, go for the assault rifles instead. These guns have a higher gun power and will help you get maximum kills. The best guns for a terrific K/D ratio would be M416, M762 and UMP45. As the game progresses, scoped up snipers are your new best friends: To get those long-range shots, your scope is as important as your sniper. To land a kill from a distance you require accuracy and a steady aim, which is possible only with a good sniper fitted with an even better scope. Head for the Head: From amateur players to our pro’s it is embedded in our heads that the best and fastest way to kill is a nice and accurate shot through the enemy’s head. Ensure this is done and the highest K/D ratio is yours!

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PUBG Mobile Season 13 new K D system  Here is how it works - 41PUBG Mobile Season 13 new K D system  Here is how it works - 45