In its 2018 ‘Bad Ads Report’ Google said that six million ads were banned every day. Speaking about the step, Scott Spencer, Director of Sustainable Ads of Google, said in a statement, “At Google, we take our responsibility to help create a healthy and sustainable advertising ecosystem that works for everyone, seriously. Our ads are meant to connect users with relevant businesses, products and services; but bad ads ruin the experience. We, at Google, have been working towards protecting the users, advertisers and publishers by investing significant technological resources.”

Furthermore, around 7,34,000 publishers and app developers were terminated from Google ad network and the ads were removed completely from around 1.5 million apps. Through its ‘Bad Ads Report’, the company shares key actions and other data to keep the Google ecosystem safe through its policies across platforms. “This will continue to remain our top priority as bad ads pose a threat to users, Google’s partners, and the sustainability of the open web itself,” Spencer added. After banning the ads, Google also identified and terminated around 1 million bad advertiser accounts who posted such ads. It should be noted that the company had banned half the amount of bad advertiser accounts in the year 2017. So, the double growth of such accounts shows the serious challenge that is being faced by the technology giant. Moreover, the company has taken granular actions by taking the ads off from around 28 million webpages which violated the publisher policies.

— Google (@Google) March 14, 2019 In an unrelated news, Google has recently launched a new app named Lookout for the visually challenged people and prior to that it launched Google Bolo in India. Google Bolo is an app which is aimed at the rural kids of India so that they can be more proficient in reading and speaking. With the launch of new accessibility apps, apps aimed for the growth of children and by banning inappropriate and misleading ads Google is not only creating a safe platform for its users but it is also proving itself as a company who thinks about the users and the overall growth of the society.

Google has banned more than 2 3 billion ads that violated its regulations - 26Google has banned more than 2 3 billion ads that violated its regulations - 2